Advent Devotions 2018

It’s You

Posted by Katie Fleming on

The holidays are happy times, the TV ads do say
Promising all the best and brightest things that we will
   need to play
Then trees let go their crimson leaves which flutter to
   the ground
In the yards of hungry families, they never make a
Small faces search the starlit sky and wonder if it’s true
That anyone named Jesus would come to visit you
To see if you are warm at night and safe from childhood
That there could even be a God who would care to dry
   the tears
Gifting clothes and books and presents can bring joy to
   tiny eyes
But sharing the manger’s story will help small hearts
   grow wise
It is more than a winter tale filled with wonder and a
It’s providing those we see each day with love and hope
   and joy
Because angels walk among us in our daily lives, ‘tis
And if we live our faith today – let the mirror reflect:
   it’s YOU

Katie Fleming


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