Advent Devotions 2019

Waiting to Let Go

Posted by Andrea Hagan on

I was tired of waiting.  Almost two weeks past my due date.  Tired of being pregnant and with two other children under the age of five, just plain tired.

The baby’s gender was a surprise, but I just knew that this baby was a boy. 

I also knew that baby number three would arrive early, as both my others had. I tried to wait patiently as my due date came and went. 

I decided to listen to a guided meditation and when I finally hushed my busy mind, a little voice said “you’ll be disappointed in me.”  I immediately told baby that I would never be disappointed in him.  This brought up a hidden fear that I couldn’t seem to shake.  At that point I decided to let it go once and for all.

I went into labor the next night and after that last push, my husband caught our sweet baby GIRL!  I laughed and said “Really?!?”  Maybe my precious girl had been worried that I’d be disappointed that she was not a he, my misguided need for control the only real problem.  

Turning to Mary’s story, talk about a woman who had to let go of control!  She’s engaged and becomes pregnant because God has chosen her to carry his Son.  It’s around her due date and she travels to Bethlehem and goes into labor in a barn.  I wonder if Mary laughed and said “Really?!?” when baby Jesus was handed to her, or if she knew all along that God was always in control. 


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