Advent Devotions 2020

Showing items for 'Stacy Edwards'

Christmas Lights to Share
Posted by Stacy Edwards on

No one loves Christmas more than my dad. My parents had a way of making it magical every year, and a huge part of that experience was the decorating. There was only one kind of Christmas tree to buy: the biggest one we could find. And there was only one place to put our humongous Christmas tree...

Showing items for 'Edward Hays'

A Winter Solstice Prayer
Posted by Edward Hays on

The dark shadow of space leans over us… We are mindful that the darkness of greed, exploitation, and hatred also lengthens its shadow over our small planet Earth. As our ancestors feared death and evil and all the dark powers of winter, we fear that the darkness of war...

Showing items for 'Bucky Hesson'

Strings of Lights
Posted by Bucky Hesson on

The true light [Jesus], which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world.  -The Gospel of John 1:9 Christmas lights have always fascinated me. I still remember the multicolored lights wrapped in live pine roping that were strung across the Lebanon city streets of my childhood...

Showing items for 'Heather C. King'

Showing items for 'Nichole Q. Perreault'

Out of Darkness, Light
Posted by Nichole Q. Perreault on

We walk in darknessStumbling, feet slippingGrasping for something, anything to keep from falling We scrape our hands on broken branchesOur knees on stony pathsIn trying to save ourselves, we are wounded  We wander in the murky blackColliding, skin finds skinFor a moment, we are not...

Showing items for 'Beth Pulley'

Prepare the Way
Posted by Beth Pulley on

 On November 2nd, the night before the 2020 presidential election, my son Levi and I were driving down West Main Street in Lebanon.  He pointed out that the light poles had been decorated for Christmas.  As we drove we enjoyed the lit-up angels and bells and snowmen.  To be...

Showing items for 'Steve Robbins'

Arcadia's Mooring
Posted by Steve Robbins on

From the lush, moistness of the hardwood forestsDown to the great wilderness and beyondMorning fog flows over the mountain passClipping the treetops, flowing softly; quietlyAs a river of mist to the rocky coast below. From the stillness, sounds of the ocean come crashingAnd well up like...

Showing items for 'Mandy Rogers'

Rainy Days and Tangled Lights
Posted by Mandy Rogers on

Maya Angelou is attributed with saying, “I’ve learned you can tell a lot about a person by the way he or she handles three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights.”   I don’t know about you, but I’ve experienced my share of...

Showing items for 'Lucinda S. Sutton'

Lights in the Night Sky
Posted by Lucinda S. Sutton on

  Most churches offer some kind of a Christmas Eve service, but few put on a true Midnight Mass, which just happens to have been my mom’s favorite service of the year. The tradition started many hundreds of years ago when Christians began to hold vigils in preparation for...

First Coming
Posted by Lucinda S. Sutton on

  First Comingby Madeleine L’Engle  He did not wait 'til the world was ready, 'til men and nations were at peace. He came when the Heavens were unsteady and prisoners cried out for release. He did not wait for the perfect time. He came when the need was deep and...