Advent Devotions 2023

The Last Christmas

Posted by Pam Tate on

The Christmas I will always remember was in 1962; it would be the last Christmas I would have with my mother. I don’t remember much about that Christmas Day, but the next day will forever be in my mind.

My brother and I had walked up the street to spend time with friends when my father called and asked us to come straight home. I remember sitting on the bench in our entry way, when he told us our mother had died. She had been sick; she had spent Christmas in her hospital bed that was in our home. At the age of 8, I didn’t know how sick she was.

The photos I have of her bring back many memories, one of my favorites being me at the piano in a Christmas dress with her standing next to me. She taught me how to play "The First Noel" and "Silent Night." She loved to decorate for Christmas. She loved the holiday traditions.

For several years, I struggled to sing these songs without crying. Even now as I write this, I feel the tears.  Over the years of my childhood, I would spend countless hours with my grandparents and friends of our family who would share stories about my mother. She became my role model in life. As an adult I have learned how to trust in God, how to understand why things happen to me, but it has made me a better Christian.

During this Advent season, embrace your families, and your friends.
Find time to pray and keep Jesus in your heart. 


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