A Certain Bravery

In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it. -John 1:4-5.
I love Christmas lights. They are one of my favorite things about Christmas. They feel warm and comfortable and bring with them feelings of nostalgia. Light seems to always make things better especially, it seems, at Christmas.
Google says “Christmas trees, or evergreens, were first brought into Christian homes in early modern Germany. Originally, Christmas trees were decorated with candles, which symbolized Christ being the light of the world. Illuminating Christmas trees with electric lights became popular in the early 20th century. By the mid-20th century, it became customary to display strings of electric lights along streets and on buildings.”
Thinking of lights on buildings reminded me of something my friend, John shared with me about Christmas lights. A few years back, when he and his wife Cathy were living in an RV park, it struck him that there was a certain bravery about Christmas lights. He noticed that he would see them adorning the shabbiest of homes and in the windows of the most rundown apartments. For him, the lights on those houses and apartments were a symbol of hope and a reminder of the refusal of people to surrender to the darkness that is in the world.
Christmas lights are a bright reminder of hope and love. Jesus was born – the Light of the World. A light for us all, meant to shine through us – no matter who we are, no matter where we come from, no matter where we live, no matter what we are going through or have gone through… no matter our circumstance. His light can never be overcome or extinguished by the darkness in the world!
Thank you God for the birth of your Son, Jesus. Thank you for the gift of His light and love which is everlasting and available to each and every one of us. Amen.
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