Leb United Youth exists to provide a safe space of belonging where students discover their identity in Christ and purpose in the Church.
You are Good. You are Loved. You Belong. You Matter. You Make a Difference!
Opportunities for students include:
9:45-10:40AM, Sunday School
Small Groups & Bible Discussion -
5-7PM, Youth Fellowship
Food & Fun w/ Friends
Wednesdays (August—May)
5PM, Church-wide Meal
5:30-7PM, MidWeek Missions
- Weekly meet-ups for 6th—12th Graders
- VBS for 6th—8th Graders
- Age-Level appropriate Mission Trips/Projects
2024-2025 Participation Forms
Forms must be notarized; if you need notary service, call the Church Office to schedule a time with one of our notaries.
Outside Interactions Liability Release
Safe Spaces
Lebanon FUMC takes very seriously our responsibility to keep our members, visitors, friends, and community as safe as it is in our control to do so.
We believe it is our responsibility to provide a safe Christ-centered environment for everyone on site and in our charge, with particular attention paid to protecting our children and other vulnerable populations. Our children are signed in and out of their Sunday School classrooms. Our volunteers are trained and screened before they begin working with our children. During our worship services and other events, we ask that children under the age of 12 not leave the sanctuary or event space unattended.