Let It Shine, Let It Shine, Let It Shine

Christmas Lights and decorating for the holidays have always been a tradition for me. My favorite memories are decorating with my 6th grade Sunday school classes over the years. When we met in the Spain House, our classroom was upstairs, and the tree was always placed in front of the window so the lights would be seen. If we had to, we would find a small table for the tree so it would appear taller and more visible for those walking by or from their cars. If we had extra lights we would decorate the window in the other upstairs classroom, and the banister with garland and lights. I always had the lights on timers so they could be seen in the evening hours. I would drive by often just to make sure the lights were working, and yes, I could see them from my car.
Through the years, my 6th graders were always excited about decorating our classroom. The lessons would focus about what the lights represented. They learned as acolytes that light represented God’s presence. In planning my lessons, I found that the Christmas lights also served to remind good Christians to provide light to others, and that the Christmas lights are a reminder to follow the way of Christ. In our season of Advent, here is one of my favorite Bible verses:
In the same way, let your light shine so others can see it. Then they will see the good things you do. And they will bring glory to your Father who is in heaven. -Matthew 5:16
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