Stocking Stuffers

Stockings have always been, for the Boutells, something that we filled with gifts for one another. Heather and I started a tradition when our sons were little of going to the store with the boys and picking out fun things to wrap and put in each other’s stocking. We would divide up and each parent would go shopping with one son. We don’t spend a lot of money and often get a mix of useful, fun, and funny gifts to fill the stockings.
This tradition has become one of my favorite things about Christmas preparation each year. No matter what we purchase for one another, this favorite tradition isn’t about the gifts that we buy. It is absolutely about the time spent with our kids. This is probably why one of my favorite images from the Christmas story is the name and description of Jesus as Immanuel which means God with us. The gift of God’s self is amazing. But equally amazing is the time that God has chosen to spend with us as Jesus .
My prayer each Christmas, really each day, is that I would find ways to experience God with me.
Potato Puffs (1898)
Our UM Table
2 c. mashed potatoes
2 eggs, separated
3 tbsp. heavy cream
1 tbsp. butter
Salt and pepper to taste
Place potatoes, egg yolks, cream, butter, and seasoning into a saucepan and mix well. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until the mixture is hot and light. Remove from fire; stir in carefully the well beaten whites of the eggs. Spoon mixture into gem pans or in one baking dish. Bake at 400° until brown on top.
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