Alice's Grown-Up Christmas List
- Shoes that fit, are practical, and are totally stylish
- Hand warmers (ask any lady over 60)
- Zinnia flower seeds to plant in the Spring. I love flowers.
- Bird feeder that squirrels can’t climb and blue jays won’t fly into to knock out the seeds. I strongly dislike blue jays.
- A sharp kitchen paring knife, but hopefully not so sharp I’ll cut my finger off
- A washing machine that actually uses ample water to clean clothes
I realize that a couple of these items are wishful thinking and would be difficult to find. So here are some things which won’t cost you anything but thoughts and time:
- Use proper grammar- a huge pet peeve for me
- Respect others, even though they may not agree with you
- Laugh 'til you cry
- Sing the congregational songs in worship. Even if your voice isn’t perfect, you are making a joyful noise to the Lord. And I bet you can sing a lot better than you think.
- Get to know your next-door neighbor's name
- When someone cuts you off in traffic, just grit your teeth and use that good southern saying, “Well bless their heart.” No road rage.
But, I’ll gladly forgo all of the above for these two gifts
Reflect and Respond
- When was the most recent time you used, "Well bless their heart?" What happened?
- Are there things you wish the people around you would do better or more consistently? What might they wish you to do better or more consistently for them?
- Have a conversation with someone in your neighborhood you've never met or visited with. Maybe even bring them a nice holiday card or treat!
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