Adult Sunday School

Find friends who are genuine, a place to belong, and Bible teaching/discussion to strengthen you on your spiritual walk. For help getting connected with a group, please contact Pastor Steve.

Come As You Are—Room 200

An all-ages class which uses a variety of media to encourage spiritual growth and accountability amidst the struggles we often face. 

Journey—Room 202

An all-ages class of people who enjoy learning from each other, with participants offering insight and questions for discussion. This is a great group for anyone who thrives off of sharing the faith journeys of others.  

A Maze of Grace—Room 201

A 30s-40s age class of people who rely on their faith, friendships, and family to navigate the maze of life.  

The Misfits—Room 207

This class is a safe space where all are welcome to learn and grow through Bible-centered conversation and respectful discussion. Each week we reflect on the previous Sunday's sermon and scriptures for further understanding and application.  

Open Door—Room 132 in the FLC

An all-ages class which provides friendly fellowship and welcomes informative study. Topics range from current events to Christian documentaries and other media. 
Open Door Sunday School Class Website

Questors—Room 220 in the FLC

An active group of older couples and singles studying God's word through a variety of selected materials.  Teachers/discussion leaders are volunteers from within the class. 

S.A.L.T. (Sharing and Learning Together)—JOY Room

A welcoming all-ages class of in-depth Bible study for those who are new to the church, or folks wanting to make new friends, or anyone simply seeking something new.   

Seekers—Room 216

Couples and singles ages 50+ who explore everything from Bible study to current Christian literature, mixing class discussion and lecture.   

Wayfinders—FLC Lobby

All 18- to 30-year-olds are invited, especially those embarking on new phases or new things (new careers, new engagements or marriages, new babies/children, etc.).