Small Groups

Methodism began with a small group. Small groups do not replace regular church attendance, but rather ensure every person is connected to others as we reflect on and share our faith walk together. You don't have to go it alone; let us walk with you!

20s/30s Fourth Sunday Fellowship

4-6PM every 4th Sunday of the month in the FLC

Adult Bible Studies

Wednesdays at 11AM and 6PM in the Spring and Fall

Centering Prayer Group

Thursdays, 11:30AM-12PM in the Chapel

Men's Breakfast Gathering

Mondays, 9:30AM at Shoney's

Table Talk Bible Discussion Group

Wednesdays, 5:45PM in Room 207 (August—May)

United Women in Faith

12PM and 6PM, every 3rd Monday of the month

Women's Discipleship Group

Mondays, 7:30AM at Panera