Go Ministries

Following Jesus's instructions in Matthew 28:19 and the model he provided in Luke 10:1-9, our Go Ministries equip people of all ages, abilities, gifts, and skill sets to move beyond the walls of the church and help meet emerging needs in our community.



Sunday mornings
  • Work with Greeters and Ushers to meet visitor needs
  • Help educate attendees about upcoming Go events 
  • Join one of the Music/Worship teams
  • Serve communion
  • Provide pick-up, setup, and/or cleanup for Coffee & Donuts
Special Services/Events & Other
  • Serve at a Community Food Giveaway and/or in our Food Pantry
  • Be a Reading Buddy each Summer at Project Transformation
  • Help decorate, set up, shop, cook, serve, and/or clean up for community events (VBS, Fall Festival, Easter Egg Hunt, etc.)
  • Greet and guide Go event visitors
  • Staff a station or other Go event need
  • Serve on the Go Team!


For details on these or other Go Ministries in our community, please contact Pastor Rebecca.