Ryan Bennett
Lead Pastor
Office: 615-444-3315
Ryan has been the Lead Pastor of Lebanon First UMC since December of 2017. He has served in churches in the Middle Tennessee area since 1998. Ryan grew up in Cookeville, graduating from Cookeville High School in 1991. He is also an alum of The University of Tennessee at Knoxville, graduating with a BS in Education. He has his Master of Divinity from Asbury Theological Seminary. Ryan is married to Heather. Heather is the director of the nonprofit, Blessed Earth Tennessee (www.blessedearthtn.com), an organization that exists to helps Christians understand their biblical call to care for creation. They have one son, Tyler, and his “sister” Hickory the dog. Ryan enjoys playing and watching sports and spending time on the lake. He also roasts coffee in his spare time.