Advent Devotions 2022

'Twas the Night Before the Children's Musical

Posted by John Harding on

‘Twas the night before the Christmas musical and all through the Children’s Wing
The hallway was empty; no kids there to sing

The costumes were hung on their hangers with care
In hopes that all the children soon would be there

Mr. John was at home, lying in bed
With preparations for the morning running ‘round in his head

Mr. Windell donned pajamas, and if there’s one thing we know
He practiced the songs on his home piano

Now suddenly, it’s 8:15, and there’s a great roar…
30-plus kids at the Children’s Wing door!

They’re excited and happy and ready to sing
They know all the joy they are about to bring

They get dressed and rehearse and remember their cues
No backing out now, there is no excuse

So come angels, come wise men, come shepherds, too
The musical begins, now its all up to you

There’ll be some mistakes, a wrong note or missed line
But all that’s important is Jesus at this time

The congregation is watching, so sing loud to them
And come with us now, on a Journey to Bethlehem!


Mr. John's Post-Musical Recovery Snack Mix
1 large bag any kind of chocolate candy, unwrapped
1 large can any kind of nuts
1 large bag any kind of potato chips
Other carbs of choice

Combine all ingredients into a large bowl. Eat by the handful as desired. If any leftovers remain, store in an airtight container until needed again.



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