Advent Devotions 2019

Mary's Journey of Inspiration

Posted by Shari Bazydola on

Mary’s Journey of Inspiration

Mary said, “With all my heart I glorify the Lord! In the depths of who I am I rejoice in God my Savior. He has looked with favor on the low status of His servant.”
– Luke 1:46-48a (Common English Bible)

In the book of Luke, we read about Mary and Joseph traveling to Bethlehem for the census. Mary was very pregnant yet she endured a long, hard journey while riding a donkey. What a strong young woman she was with such strong faith in God that she would deliver his Son in a lowly manger!

This part of the Christmas story spoke to me when I was pregnant with my first child in December 1997. We attended the Christmas Eve candlelight service at 11 PM, and the lights truly illuminated God‘s presence in our midst. This service especially touched my heart because I could feel my unborn child stirring inside me just as Mary felt Jesus moving within her womb.

My pregnancy had been very difficult, and I still had three months until our first daughter was born. That night I realized that Mary’s faith kept her focused on delivering Jesus to our world. If a young girl could have such faith in God and his purpose for her, my faith could certainly be strengthened to trust that God would see us through our difficult time. Mary inspired me to keep my focus on God‘s purpose for me to become a mother. I thank him every day that he trusted me to bring two beautiful daughters into his world. His light shines bright in our world if we will only focus on him.


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